Helping Arthritis & Keeping Joints Moving!

Rheumatism Root Complex™️ is an expertly designed blend of devil's claw, dandelion and celery seed.
These ingredients have been traditionally used to help:
✅Keep joints supple and well lubricated
✅Reduce inflammation associated with arthritis and other joint disorders
✅Decrease acid build-up in joints
✅Increase mobility
How do I take it?
Take 2 - 4 capsules daily, the first dose in the morning and the second at lunch time.
How does it work?
Devils claw has been proven to be as - if not more - effective as an anti-inflammatory then over the counter medication. It is this property that makes it an effective treatment for arthritic stiff joints and gout. The celery seed is anti-rheumatic, and the inclusion of dandelion is to ensure the acid build up in the joints that the formula is clearing, is successfully removed from the body.
It says take 2-4 capsules daily, what should I start with?
This depends on the level of stiffness and pain you are experiencing. If you are struggling, then do an intensive 2 week course with 4 capsules a day. After this bring it down to 2 a day. If the pain is minimal, 2 capsules a day will be enough to see the benefits of this formula.
Can I take it alongside any medication?
Yes, there are no contraindications with any medication.
Devils Claw – 150mg
Dandelion – 150mg
Celery Seed – 150mg
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