This seasons festivities are a time of high obligations, high stress, and low immunity. Supplements may protect you from seasonal colds, provide energy, and reduce stress so you can make the most of the festive season. Add these five supplements to your diet this festive season to stay well.
1. Probiotics
Probiotics promote proper digestion as well as mental wellbeing, due to the gut's reputation as your second brain. Since probiotics keep things moving regularly, they're a nice counterpoint to all the rich foods at festive parties.
While you can take a probiotic pill, you can also enjoy probiotics from fermented food. Eat yogurt or kefir made with live cultures for breakfast or enjoy miso or sauerkraut at other mealtimes.
2. Vitamin C
Whether from citrus fruit or from a vitamin pill, Vitamin C is beneficial throughout the winter season. Cold weather, lack of sleep, and high stress levels lower your immunity. As others get colds around you, you become more susceptible to illness, particularly if you have young children who are exposed to germs at school. Vitamin C can boost immunity so you're less likely to fall sick and may help you recover from a cold faster.
3. Milk Thistle
If you know you will be tempted by alcohol and fatty foods at festive events, add milk thistle to your regimen. Known as a popular liver supplement, milk thistle is ideal for detoxing from holiday parties. By helping your liver operate efficiently, milk thistle makes sure the rich foods and booze are processed efficiently so they don't stay in your body as toxins. The supplements also increase liver bile production, leading to more efficient digestion.
4. Vitamin B Complex
B Complex, supports energy, heart health, and the immune system. It can also delivers a mood boost. By using B complex throughout the festive season, you can protect your heart from the negative effects of stress, build immunity, and increase energy levels naturally.
If you suffer from the festive blues, Rhodiola Complex® is the ideal supplement for you. The herb, available in capsulate form, encourages serotonin production, which regulates mood and brain chemistry. Rhodiola Complex® is ideal for those who suffer from anxiety, depression, or high stress.
Start supplementing or make dietary changes now, so you can head into the festive season feeling great. If you wait until you're already feeling run-down from obligations, it might be too late to get an immure and mood boost that will see you through the busy holiday season.