These days, more and more people are finding themselves sitting at home. Unfortunately, this can lead to overeating and inactivity which can cause people to gain weight. Here's how you can keep your waistline trim while you're stuck at home.
Tips for keeping weight off
It's common for people to rely on food to help them cope with boredom and stress. Fortunately, the following tips can help you avoid unwanted weight gain.
• Get exercise to help reduce stress and burn more calories.
• Practice mindfulness to ease anxiety and become more aware of your eating.
• Limit your consumption of news, especially when you're feeling especially anxious.
• Fill your plate with fibrous, low-glycemic foods that make you feel full.
Is eating the answer?
In its simplest form, weight loss is the result of fewer calories consumed than burned. Work out more, eat less, and you will eventually reduce your waistline. But how can you lose weight in the quickest, most efficient manner? Research suggests that a food-based combination strategy is the best approach.
Using foods to lose weight
A recent study conducted by the University of Copenhagen's Department of Human Nutrition suggests that we can ramp up our metabolisms by eating strategically. Appearing in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the research found that subjects showed significant improvement in weight loss when combining a high protein diet with foods that have a low glycemic index.
Unfortunately, many bad diets centre on eating high amounts of protein only. If your diet is too high in protein-based food you could suffer kidney damage and fatigue, which will ultimately interfere with your weight loss strategy. To prevent unwanted weight gain, experts agree that people should incorporate more low-glycemic foods into their daily diets.
Can I lose weight eating food high in carbohydrates?
Contrary to popular belief, you can lose weight eating foods rich in carbohydrates, as long as you choose the right ones. Foods consisting mostly of simple carbohydrates, such as sugar, white rice, white flour, corn and other starchy foods promote weight gain because they result in high insulin spikes that ultimately induce hunger. On the other hand, foods consisting mainly of low-glycemic, complex carbohydrates and a lot of fiber are good for weight loss, because they prevent hunger.
How do specific foods help you lose weight?
Because simple carbohydrates digest quickly, your body gets a quick burst of energy that ultimately dissipates and leaves you wanting more food. Low-glycemic foods, such as most fibrous vegetables and whole-grain rice, cereal, breads, oatmeal and bran do the opposite. Because they take so long to digest, you get a steady stream of energy that keeps your insulin levels in check. Not only do you feel fuller; you don't get that trademark crash caused by high-glycemic foods.
The best way to lose weight
People lose weight most efficiently by combining consistent exercise with low-glycemic grains and vegetables and low-fat meats. In certain instances, you can boost your weight loss by taking a diet supplement or weight loss drug; however, this should only be used for a few days or weeks at the beginning of your program just to give you a brief boost.
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